=============================================================== Internet Explorer 6 Public Preview Demos: HTML+TIME Transitions =============================================================== Last updated June 18 2001 ========================= SUMMARY ======== Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6 Public Preview enables the application of various multimedia effects on your Web page. You can implement these effects on Web pages using HTML+TIME behavior elements. Internet Explorer 6 Public Preview supports the richest variety of optimized HTML+TIME Transitions. The combination of transitions with basic scripting creates a powerful tool for rendering visually engaging and interactive documents. The HTML+TIME Transitions Interactive Sample demonstrates an ensemble of thirteen of Internet Explorer 6 Public Preview HTML+TIME transition elements. USAGE ====== 1) After downloading the sample, double-click master_sample.htm in the HTML+TIMETransitions folder to launch the demo. 2) Select the desired transition from the dropdown box labeled 'Select a transition from below:'. 3) The selected Transition displays immediately. 4) To replay the selected Transition click the 'Play Transition' button. 5) To modify the parameters of the selected Transition, click the 'Control' tab and set the controls as desired. 6) To observe a new transition simply select a new item from the dropdown box. 7) Click the 'Close' link when finished. BROWSER/PLATFORM COMPATIBILITY =============================== Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6 Public Preview on Microsoft® Win32® platforms supports the demos illustrated in this sample. Browsers that do not support HTML+TIME will simply ignore the behaviors in these demos. SOURCE FILES ============= dxfiltran.css filldxfiltran.js barndoorwipe.htm barwipe.htm clockwipe.htm ellipsewipe.htm fade.htm fanwipe.htm iriswipe.htm pushwipe.htm slidewipe.htm snakewipe.htm spiralwipe.htm starwipe.htm master_sample.htm OTHER FILES ============ demo.gif ui_bluetab.gif ui_graytab.gif disclaimer.gif SEE ALSO ========= For detailed documentation on this sample, please go to: http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/behaviors/htmltime.asp ================================== © Microsoft Corporation